But as
many as received him, to them gave he gave power to become the sons (teknon) of
God, even to them that believe on his name
:(John 1:12)
No doubt there are scriptures, stories and categorical statements in
the bible that describes the fallen state of man to remind us of the fallen
glory so that we can be conscious of the power that brought us into the new
creation. When you go through the foundation of how righteousness was delivered
then you begin to understand the power of righteousness that you have. You will
abuse something in your possession if you don’t know its value or how expensive
with it, and you get so familiar with it. Thus many scriptures echo the need
for Someone else to come and deliver righteousness to us.
The disobedience of
Adam in the Garden of Eden as a result of his long hearing is redeemed in the
New Testament by the second Adam was hence God over the ages and generations
has always wanted His own creation to override its fallen state, He has always
wanted a turning point from death and sin nature, a departure from the Adamic
legacy was now possible through. In Leviticus we see God speaking to His own
and telling them not to defile themselves, in other words He was giving them a
picture of the new creation, He didn’t want
them to allow the existing system, a generation that will penetrate the world
with His righteousness will be born, God
was showing us the picture of the new creation; preserved remnants.
So God gave a law against defiling oneself ;a type and shadow of the generation that would come in Christ, He was saying that He would bring up a generation that the elements of this world cannot defile and the reason for that is not for you to be spiritual, speak in tongues or ‘christianese’, ultimately the reason is for you to penetrate the system, it was ultimately for us to defile our environment with what we carry. This would not be achieved until Christ came, died on the Cross and Paul wrote ‘...if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification’ (Romans 4:24-25), justification now becomes the power that is behind our righteousness. We have now been justified from whatever was done back in the garden; the Eden story becomes vague and unnecessary because Jesus has come and has delivered unto us a new nature. This new nature is not for you to come to church and warm the bench, God has delivered you out of sin so that you can shine the light of the glory you are experiencing now to the next person beside you. Sometimes we find it hard to realise that our righteousness is not for the four corners of the church, the believer gets comfortable with the things he knows how to do best in the church and the fact that he’s been celebrated in his family; his church. But God wants you to take it out of that realm; He wants you to shine His righteousness in the world and that’s where the revealing of the sons comes from. The revelation of the sons is not just for you to be a son of God but for you to shine forth the glory of the Son. Sometimes God’s holiness has been limited to the four corners of our homes, church, work place and that’s great but we are talking about the revealing of the sons as it relates to the world not limiting it to just your environment. Many times we have limited the things we carry, we assume it’s just for a family, a nation or a particular set of people but God is calling His church to a higher dimension of impact where righteousness is concerned. ‘the body of Christ Africa needs the fellowship of creators’, people that can come together and make things happen and this is what God is asking His church to do, we ought not to be a congregation of consumers, people that just hears about it and does something about it and not a big thing that can affect the world around us.
So God gave a law against defiling oneself ;a type and shadow of the generation that would come in Christ, He was saying that He would bring up a generation that the elements of this world cannot defile and the reason for that is not for you to be spiritual, speak in tongues or ‘christianese’, ultimately the reason is for you to penetrate the system, it was ultimately for us to defile our environment with what we carry. This would not be achieved until Christ came, died on the Cross and Paul wrote ‘...if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification’ (Romans 4:24-25), justification now becomes the power that is behind our righteousness. We have now been justified from whatever was done back in the garden; the Eden story becomes vague and unnecessary because Jesus has come and has delivered unto us a new nature. This new nature is not for you to come to church and warm the bench, God has delivered you out of sin so that you can shine the light of the glory you are experiencing now to the next person beside you. Sometimes we find it hard to realise that our righteousness is not for the four corners of the church, the believer gets comfortable with the things he knows how to do best in the church and the fact that he’s been celebrated in his family; his church. But God wants you to take it out of that realm; He wants you to shine His righteousness in the world and that’s where the revealing of the sons comes from. The revelation of the sons is not just for you to be a son of God but for you to shine forth the glory of the Son. Sometimes God’s holiness has been limited to the four corners of our homes, church, work place and that’s great but we are talking about the revealing of the sons as it relates to the world not limiting it to just your environment. Many times we have limited the things we carry, we assume it’s just for a family, a nation or a particular set of people but God is calling His church to a higher dimension of impact where righteousness is concerned. ‘the body of Christ Africa needs the fellowship of creators’, people that can come together and make things happen and this is what God is asking His church to do, we ought not to be a congregation of consumers, people that just hears about it and does something about it and not a big thing that can affect the world around us.
God’s holiness cannot be limited to the four walls of the church
because the world needs what we carry. The height of your righteousness is not
just that you are heaven bound. It’s much more than speaking in tongues ,your
righteousness should put you in the right place at the right time with the
right people. That’s why the creation of God limits himself by only seeing a
church or , a gift,; he doesn’t see any other thing. Your righteousness was
given so that you can be an influence in the world; the new creation of God is
loaded. You have to redefine your righteousness and as yourself, ‘what exactly
was I created for?’
As a believer sometimes you need to thank God for being
used by Him because not a lot of people have a passion for the kingdom.
The fallen state of man affected the proper definition of what God
called us to do on earth but in Christ there is a restoration of God’s ability
in His own. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined
in our hearts, to give the light
of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have
this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of
God, and not of us. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7)
Paul goes back to a creation story that isn’t seen in Genesis, that
same light that God commanded in the 1st creation is commanded again
in the new creation, ‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new’ (2 Corinthians 5:17), this newness in this
scripture is as a result of the light that God commanded to shine. This light
shines in our heart but in Genesis it shined and created the firmament, seas,
heaven this was God actually projecting a prophetic agenda that would happen in
the second creation because that same light that seemed to be just for
photosynthesis shines in our heart. Heart as used in our second major text
means our spirit, your spirit carries a light in the new creation and that
light is for us to become things not just to create. This light is not for your
family or assembly alone, it’s not a little light! It’s not in you to just
absorb, feel good, sing and dance about; the light is for us to influence the
world. There are people who have never read the bible on their own because they
cannot afford it or don’t see the need to because they haven’t been taught the
importance of the word, yet many believers are so comfortable shining in their
local assembly. God is saying the light now is not for creating firmaments or
heavens or creating cars and dreaming about getting married instead it’s for
the furthering of the gospel.
A treasure refers to something that is expensive and valuable. The
thing with the greatest worth in heaven was released in to the new creation,
it’s called the light. This is the same light John spoke about that is the life
of men, Paul moves from the dimension of light to treassure. The treasure referred to is the light that is
already in you as long as you are a new creation, have confessed Jesus as your Lord and
Saviour then you have the greatest
treasure of heaven which is the light. Its funny how we can look at a person’s
outward appearance and fail to realise that he has a treasure on the inside of
him. Sometimes it may seem like you
don’t know how to do much where the things of God are concerned but it may just
be that you haven’t found the right place to express yourself. That’s why
righteousness has to get to a point where it takes you to right place, to meet
the right people those people that you were created to meet. Paul is changing
our perspective about the light, it’s not just God commanding the light to
shine but this light is a treasure that is in earthen vessels.
In Judges we read the account of Gideon, God reduced his army until
they were only 300 men because He has always been in the business of using few
people to affect a nation. This was the same Gideon that classified himself as
the lowest of the low in Israel based on where he was coming from, but when the
word of God comes to you which is Jesus personified, that’s the light and life
of God in you that can do anything, the treasure is revealed
The sword of the LORD, and of
Gideon. So Gideon, and the hundred men that were with him, came unto the outside of the camp in the
beginning of the middle watch; and they had but newly set the watch: and they
blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers that were in their hands. And the three companies blew the trumpets,
and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the
trumpets in their right hands to blow withal:
and they cried, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon. And they stood every man
in his place round about the camp: and all the host ran, and cried, and fled’
(Judges 7:15-21).
In order to successfully ambush the
Midianites , they hid their lights in the pitchers and when it was time for the
attack the vessels were broken and the lights brought out resulting in the
overwhelming of the Midianites. You may consider yourself to be so low like
Gideon but God has created you for something. ‘What’ you are is different from
‘who’ you are, who you are is born out of your background, the schools you went
to, the degrees you got but what you are refers to the influence you are able
to create. Paul said, ‘But by the grace of God I am what I am...’ (1Corinthians 15:10),they revealed their light! what you are talks
about you command, what only you can do, your uniqueness in the agenda of God,
it refers to what you were created to do exactly that comes by the grace of
God. One wouldn’t expect Paul to talk about what he was, he used to be a persecutor
and murderer but his victory in those things was nothing because the grace of
God appeared and the light shone in his heart that loaded him up for
generations to come. The earthen vessel may not know that he carries something
on the inside of him, but God is challenging you now where the nation He has
called you to is concerned. If you have gotten an encounter with God, you are indebted
to the nation He has called you to; if you have received grace then you must
know that you are indebted to all those who haven’t in the nation God has
called you to. You have to rise and fulfil destiny by letting that light you
have received shine.
Going over the account on the mount of transfiguration, you realise
that while Jesus was shining in His transfigured state, Peter was talking to
Him. The glory on your life should not be so heavy that it pulls you away from
the people you ought to be a blessing to. Peter suggested to Jesus that a
temple be built for Him and the two men He was conversing with and the moment
Peter said that there was a heavenly response. There was another kind of light
from heaven that overshadowed them and they were afraid. ‘Hear ye Him’ said by
the voice from heaven means that the light shining in Jesus is not to be
compared with the last generations, Moses represents the Jewish law and Elias
the Jewish prophets but as at now God had moved beyond law and prophecy to the
realm of manifestation of His Son. God has created us and put us in a place
where we ought to manifest sons, and this manifestation is the revealing of the
light that the sons have. When you manifest the glory of God the light which is
the treasure on the inside of you is at work. ‘For the earnest expectation of the
creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For we know that the
whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only
they, but ourselves also, which
have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for the adoption, to wit,
the redemption of our body’ (Romans 8:19, 22-23) As believers we
also are groaning to come out of this house (i.e. the body) we want to get to
heaven and live in that realm but before that we must understand that these are
the times of the manifestation of the sons of God in the body. God has created
us to manifest that light we carry in our generation to everyone around us. In
this generation we have found ourselves in the place of Peter, we just want to
build temples that there is no light coming out of it. but. God has commanded
the light to shine in our hearts for a reason, it’s not shining in your heart
for you to envelope it and sound spiritual, the light was commanded to shine in
our hearts to give the light. Who is
getting the vibe of what you carry? Who are you giving from what is inside you?
It’s time to ready yourself and be unique in the things you are doing for God.
The anointing in you should flow out in high tides and torrents to touch
everyone around you. The truth is the world is waiting for what you carry; it’s
the season of the manifestation of the sons of God. You have to come out of
your shell, like the pitchers in Gideon’s story you have to break yourself for
that light to shine. Deal with yourself and have your mind made up, determine
to be a blessing to God. This isn’t about going to seminary school ,love God!.
The transfiguration story represents the revealing of sons, the light we carry
that the word must see Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven’ (Matthew
5:16), it’s not about building any tabernacle ,you are one. The light
is for men to see!. It’s time to rise up to the challenge of allowing the Holy
Spirit move you into realms of influence around you, no holds barred. You are
responsible for the light that shines in your generation. You were created to
light up the world with whatever God has called you to do.
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