If You’ve Got The Word You’ve Got The Guts Part 1

 Daniel 3: 1- 28, John 1: 1-14

 I have a word for somebody today! There’s something about the overriding power of God’s word. The greatest revelation of God’s word is that it is God! Once you know that the word of God is God and God is his word, then you can go anywhere and do anything! ONLY BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD!
God’s word is progressive and never stays on the same level! It is always at work within us! All you have to do is believe! When God comes to give you a word, he equally requires of you to give Him your guts. God’s word appears to you as the FOURTH MAN personified. When Jesus appeared to the disciples at sea, Peter said, “If it is you, tell me to come.” Peter had some guts! Peter stomped out of that boat. Don’t allow God to speak until you have some guts to stand on that word.
“Guts” is the reason why we are still where we are as a church. If believers will believe God addictively and stand on the word, they will do what eyes have not seen and what ears have not heard. God told me that He is raising men that have eaten His word. Even when their legs are shaking, they know they have a word. Your manifestation is anchored to the word that God has given to you. Your manifestation is anchored to what you are willing to do despite what you are going through.
Do you know that guts will get you to price the cars and plan for the wedding that you don’t have money for? Guts will get you to go and lay hands on the sick you are not yet anointed for? That’s because you believe and you are willing to take a jump. Because the word said it, do it. Let your guts be on the run!


Text: 1 Kings 18:41-46
          James 5:17-18

The word “Rainmaker” even in our modern world today tends to bring up images of super heroes who can lift up their scepter and call down torrents of rain characterized by boisterous winds and a black sky. My friend Elijah… “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are… (James 5:17-18)” prayed for rain in 1 Kings 18 and got an answer in the form of a minute cloud. Ha! The difference being the former example is a big hoax by Hollywood; the latter is the reality we live as Christians, by Faith not by sight.
Many a times, we are caught up in situations that have been settled by Gods Rhema word but still remain unsolved in the physical, thereby sending the unseasoned believer to the mountain and back. We fret about what God has already settled, going back to our prayer time to “check” if God has finally come through. And if that’s not enough, we wait for people to confirm what God has done in our lives! People being what they are, are limited to the physical. Mr. Elijah, our friend and a great man of God wasn’t sure if the rain would come even though he told Ahab in verse 41 that there was a sound of abundance of rain!! So his servant, the ‘confirmer’ went back and forth telling him, “there ain’t no clouds here master”, “yes you said God would come through for you about a job but you’re still broke”, “didn’t you say you were getting married this year,  what happened?” I refuse to be part of the ‘Confirmer’ generation like Elijah’s servant...I personally believe  Mr. confirmer was an Israelite, the ones who saw the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night signifying Gods presence. Yet they wanted a Physical God and went ahead to build one themselves. They couldn’t believe in an unseen God because to them, seeing is believing! Elijah’s servant even had the effrontery to come back and say the cloud was the size of a man’s hand! A man’s hand? Hey, don't let the myopic view of others cloud your judgment about what God is doing in your life; didn’t two fishes and five loaves feed the multitude? (Mark 6:38-41)

Prodigal Priority

Luke 15:11-32

The bible says “… a certain man had two sons…” (Luke 15:11 NET), now from the countenance of who Jesus was referring to, the parable lets us know that He was referring to His Father in Heaven, the Love He had, the compassion He was moved with, The Father that heard what the son was thinking no matter how far out he was, (vs20 “So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way from home his father saw him, and his heart went out to him; he ran and hugged his son and kissed him.”) because distance was not a challenge. It’s also important that we understand the need for Jesus’s parable in the bible, a cast aside, which refers to a scenario is not a story but in this case reality. This message of reality had to be passed across in a parable. Now “…the two sons” referred to in Luke speaks about the two kind of sons that God has. As a believer we ought to know which category we fall in, the driving point in which Jesus was aiming towards in this parable referring to the two sons (kind of believer) was how priority differentiates every believer.

My Book Launch!!!

                                                                                  COMING SOON!!!

The need of all needs is the yoke-destroying, burden-removing power of God; the “anointing” which is made accessible through the indwelling Holy Spirit and the practice of God’s “presence”. The believer's glorious life supersedes miracles, signs, healings, and wonders. Jesus said these things belong to us. But why does the church still put up with needs, lack, and the diseases in this world? The word here is not persecution but oftentimes, ignorance. The supreme need of today is not more churches, but simply the display of power from on high. The precursor for true Christianity is not the cross-shaped pendants found on our necklaces. Rather, it is unction from above that is strewn daily, thus we begin to operate with the Spirit's might, and our words burn like erupted molten magma in every situation, bringing a platter of divine mystery. Unfortunately, practicing God's presence is no longer a popular phrase or sermon in the church today. In fact, it is regarded as undignified and spooky by religious
elites. Many voices from countless pulpits today are determined by popular demands, thus we gather for all the wrong reasons. But there is an emergence of a “thirsty” generation; one that knows that there's something greater than every need, a people (not just a man) after Gods heart. I sense a rise in the tide the later rain cloud is appearing. The church is about to witness a revival of the spirit that will produce the latter day glory. A British pastor once said, it's one thing to explain the truth of Christianity to men, it's another to feel it's overwhelming power...” That's what this book is all about; the power of His presence and the anointing which can only be experienced, or caught (because it can't be taught, adequately analyzed or preached). 

THE Panda Series: Who? Me?

Judges6:7-16   Romans 8:17-18

Po is the protagonist of the movie- The Kungfu Panda. If you’ve not seen that animation, please do, right after you read this piece. Po is a really fat Panda who’s only vice is eating and also idolizing the Famous Five- the warrior band of the city. Po spends so much time keeping tabs on the Famous Five and collecting every souvenir of them that he can find. His obsession with this warrior band gets to the point that he dreams of them and imagines that he joins their mission to save the world. This dream however, Po knows is bound to remain one- a dream. T his is because he is neither in any shape nor size to become a kungfu master. He also doesn’t have the kind of background or opportunity to belong to this select group as he is just the son of the village noodles expert. Po finds himself dissatisfied with the kind of life that nature and environment presents him, somehow, he just cannot fit in. To cut short the story, Po steps into the right place at the right time (and after numerous tries too) and he steps right into purpose.  When asked if he is ready to receive the honour of having his wildest imagination coming to pass, he asks: Who? Me?

God The Father

Come Experience The Power in Resurrection at Our Special Easter Sunday. I will be ministering alongside Ambassage, Archippus and Hark & Herald.

Come Experience the yoke breaking and burden removing power of God @ Kings's Plaza, 80 Adeniran Ogunsanya Street, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria

He Got Me Where He Wants Me

TEXT: Gen 45:1-8, Matt 14:14-21

In our walk with God, we go through exodus in the hope of getting to a destination, that destination is much expected, yet not without going through the wilderness, a desolate place where there is no supply, no help and you’re all alone but right in the wilderness is the blessing yet not everyone in the wilderness comes out with a miracle, the wilderness is often perceived as a place of sufferings, a place of loneliness but instead, it’s a place of separation for those that know and do not know their God.  Knowing God is instrumental to receiving the promise of a land/possession at the end of the wilderness experience, yet God chooses a route which is his own way/will. Our desert must reveal the miraculous which is the end of our sufferings as planned by God.

These experiences are not palatable, soon one would begin to come up with ways to escape this period, giving up, losing faith or simply accepting what is seen as the best that He can offer but the pains we experience, the affliction that is inevitable is nothing compared to the end of our desert season. Our light affliction causes a far more exceeding weight of Glory, this weight of Glory would be ushered in by the affliction we’ve experienced, it’s so heavy that we call our affliction light; your affliction is not strong enough to limit your glory.

How many can see the Glory or the miracle in their desert season? Abraham saw a city in the desert, he was searching for a city in his wilderness experience, ignoring the present sufferings, and he wasn’t carried away by the light affliction. God is raising testifiers that will come out of their wilderness with a miracle but first you have to see miracles in your desert. It might seem it’s because of where you are, but your location has got no say in God’s plan; faith is not denying reality or facts, faith is a consistence focus on God’s ability, Integrity and adequacy. The fact is it’s not convenient to walk through that journey, facing oppositions and distractions from men like the Koran, Dathan and Abiram, waiting for you to give in to the alternative of going back to Egypt because it’s easier. The question is what do they see? Why the complaints about the wilderness years? Complaining is against the law of the wilderness, God took them out of the wilderness experience because they couldn’t see a city, God doesn’t call you out of something to nothing, going back to Egypt is not an option, not an alternative.

There’ll be evening times even in your walk with God, but the exit from the desert is not your concern, do not covert your neighbour’s testimony as God has a strategy plan for your life, there’s a supply in your wilderness, a two fishes, five loaves, a raven, a widow of zarephath but he is waiting for the right time. His strategy is a master plan, he puts the butler in picture to act at the right time, but in our minds we want to act fast, get it done our way. God doesn’t sometimes permit you to be heard because it’s not part of the plan, unexplainably situations show up, the prison, a place of limitation is suddenly the only option for you, but the place of limitation has everything you need for a testimony, your testimony is made reality through the instruments in the plan, your campaign team, advertisers and butler are only found in the prison. Where else would God permit you to experience the miraculous? You might not have all the qualification for that testimony but the wilderness experience is your qualification.
Now you begin to see that what gets you out of the wilderness is not that you’ve suffered enough and it’s time to put an end to it, No! It’s the miracle you need to leave the wilderness. Don’t wait to meet men that you think has the power or strategy to get you out, it’s the least of all you need, focus on the butler as pharaoh will not act until he hears of you. Just like Joseph, Pharaoh and the butler are not in the same place, they don’t play the same part in your life, one of them is your ticket out of the prison, and one of them is the instrument for your blessing. Never fail to be who you are in your wilderness place, bless, break and use what you have, your butler is there watching, the promise is always bigger than your resources, don’t waste your wilderness experience, in it is a testimony. Selah!

Before We Carve Another God.


Do you have a god in your life? Is it the one you carved for yourself or The One, Lord God of Israel?
The letter to the Hebrew presents a God that we can’t see, taste, smell or touch. He presents what God is doing on the other side that sometimes we don’t get to see or feel: as from the heavenlies. I took from this author because the church has found herself in the place where she heard a word from God at the beginning of the year but now she’s wondering if God will still come through. ‘It’s the 11th month and I don’t know if you are coming through for me, your Honor’, she says, ‘I don’t know if I’m coming out of this’. We talk about how: God is viable, reliable, predictable, consistent, never changing and ever standing. ‘If God has all these attributes, why am I still on this level?’ she questions.