If You’ve Got The Word You’ve Got The Guts Part 1


 Daniel 3: 1- 28, John 1: 1-14

 I have a word for somebody today! There’s something about the overriding power of God’s word. The greatest revelation of God’s word is that it is God! Once you know that the word of God is God and God is his word, then you can go anywhere and do anything! ONLY BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD!
God’s word is progressive and never stays on the same level! It is always at work within us! All you have to do is believe! When God comes to give you a word, he equally requires of you to give Him your guts. God’s word appears to you as the FOURTH MAN personified. When Jesus appeared to the disciples at sea, Peter said, “If it is you, tell me to come.” Peter had some guts! Peter stomped out of that boat. Don’t allow God to speak until you have some guts to stand on that word.
“Guts” is the reason why we are still where we are as a church. If believers will believe God addictively and stand on the word, they will do what eyes have not seen and what ears have not heard. God told me that He is raising men that have eaten His word. Even when their legs are shaking, they know they have a word. Your manifestation is anchored to the word that God has given to you. Your manifestation is anchored to what you are willing to do despite what you are going through.
Do you know that guts will get you to price the cars and plan for the wedding that you don’t have money for? Guts will get you to go and lay hands on the sick you are not yet anointed for? That’s because you believe and you are willing to take a jump. Because the word said it, do it. Let your guts be on the run!

Wigglesworth said, “God said it and I believe it!” but I’m going to say that you cannot stay in the realm of believing, you have to stay in the realm of guts.
One of the most profound names and titles of God is the Word… Halleluiah! And if you are His own, (John 1:11-12), then His word will come to you. There is no child of God or believer without a word. And God wants to raise men and women who will operate from another dimension with the word of God such that we see that what we have done is not our best.
John doesn’t present to us a Jesus that was worshipped by wise men or a Jesus who rained glory down. He presents Jesus as the Word and as one that came directly from God, from the beginning, unlike what the other epistles told us about Jesus coming from Bethlehem. John doesn’t have time for all that. He told us of John (the Baptist) whom was queried by people regarding whether he was the messiah pr another should be expected. John made them understand that he existed as a forerunner because of somebody who was yet to come. He even said “that He may increase and I may decrease.”
John is trying to present Jesus to you in a way that you will understand Him and Him alone. John made them understand that there is no darkness in Him because in darkness there is no performance or action. In a dark place you cannot express yourself. He mentioned that in him was life and the life was the light of men. And this light shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it. The bible says that when Jesus was born, light shone because He is the Sun of Righteousness. When he gave up the ghost on Mount Calvary, there was an eclipse of the sun. There was darkness all around and the veil in the temple tore into two. Right there He wasn’t just the Son of God; He was the greater light and we are the lesser light that shines in the night.
Because of what John presented, the Greeks call Jesus another kind of name – the Monogenes. This means He was the only one of his kind. He cannot be monopolised because He’s the only One who can do what you cannot do. You may speak a good word but He’ll speak a better word and that word is the only one of His kind.
God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning with a word but before that the earth was void and formless and without shape. Then He introduced His Word. So God can create without the choir, without people but He cannot create without the word. No matter how deep you are in the choir and how much exegesis you have as a pastor or whatever you do, qualifications do not create things in your life. Only God’s creating word brings about manifestation.
God wants us to come to the individualistic dimension of His word. Like the question He asked Peter, “Who do men say that I am?”, what are we saying about who He is? Eleven people in that place did not understand but a revelation came to Peter that wasn’t given to Him by flesh and blood.
God’s word is living and active, able to pierce through the flesh and soul and into the spirit where it becomes insurmountable. The word of God alive in you becomes the reason why God begins to change things in your life. In every spiritual gathering, your focus should not be on the choir or on the instrumentalists, or the pastor’s style of teaching and preaching. Let your focus be on the word of God.
For God to move in your life, you need to leave the denominational approach to everything. God will not deal with you based on what men say that He is but what YOU say that He is. Until you can personally say, “I know who You are!”, you don’t know Him for yourself.
Seasons are announced by changes. The sons of Isaachar knew the signs of time. You need to do an appraisal and ask yourself where you were last time you checked and where you are right now so that your praise is not choir-dependent but from your heart. Sometimes, we talk too much as people but God’s talk is not cheap like ours! God upholds and sustains everything by the power of His words! And in the midst of chaos we all need to talk like our Father, just as He did in Genesis when all was formless and void.
Some people have been on a realm but they need the light to shine in their situation. His word is a lamp unto our feet, able to direct us in the dark situations we find ourselves in. God wants us to have some guts about the word he has given us! Before He called us He knew the size of the Red sea and the size of the Pharaoh you were going to encounter. God knows what He says. If God says your leaves are green, that settles it. 
You don’t need a priest somewhere to tell you where your destiny lies because out of your belly flows rivers of living water. There is no river flowing in your belly more than the words that you speak. The rivers are the words that come out of my mouth. Leave any gathering with some guts! He that has started a good work is able t finish it. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. This faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith means guts. It’s the substance of things hoped for! In other words, I got it before I got it. So, don’t pity me when I go through the fire because it won’t burn me and don’t pity me when I go through storms. As far as Jesus is the one calling me, I can walk on waters! As far as the WORD Himself is rocking on the waters…..     TO BE CONTINUED!

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