The Karthizo Power 2


The Moses generation struggled with this because they didn’t understand that God can make them die in the wilderness. It was meant to be a 4-days journey of singing praises and worship, talking psalms and singing hymns to each other. But they thought it was God bringing them to a place of middle when they got into the wilderness. They said, “This is mara!” “It’s bitter!” “We don’t understand it!”  The fact that you go through those things doesn’t mean you’re in the wilderness and it doesn’t mean you are out of the promise. It should signal in your spirit that there is a God somewhere if you find yourself in that kind of place.
Whatever He brought you out of, that’s not the gospel! People just lie to you as a believer, and you believe them. You came out of the old nature of sin. God raised you up, justified you and glorified you. So He brought you OUT of something and IN to something else. The question now is, have you come out of something and are you in something else? It doesn’t matter what He has brought us out of.

Some of us need to understand the Kathizo power knowing that you were set in a place and not just say you are out of the grave. Every Christian wants to tell you about their past, not understanding what happened to their past before they gave their life to Christ. Even the songs we sing talk about “going there”.  When people think they have to wear some things before going to heaven, that’s the devil lying. Only confession gets you to heaven.  You can't stay excited about “coming out”. You are coming out so that you are set in a place to operate the power of position. This is the reason why there are many failures in the church. People walk in the failure mentality instead of the success mentality because they do not have the Kathizo mentality. To be “set” means one has settled down. Christ, the head, has placed the government on His shoulders, which is part of the body, so he has given us the governance. But a lot of Christians are still okay with an average life, talking like they’ve lost the battle! The real Christian operates the Kathizo mentality!
God doesn’t like when people think back, act back and talk backwards! God wants us to move FORWARD and understand our place! People wonder why they are still where they are after entering the Kathizo power but where you are doesn’t change who you are. Even God said “Let there be light”, and there was light. God understands His Kathizo place.
Kathizo power has got nothing to do with age or size, but with epignosis (knowledge). Don’t stay in the realm of faith. Have knowledge, especially the knowledge of Kathizo. In John 14, Jesus talked about the many mansions that are in His Father’s house. He also said he was going to prepare a place for us. People have taken that to mean Jesus is going to build houses for us in heaven. But they are already there. He is not going to build anything and the mansions are not even what we think they are. Mansion means living tabernacle. 2 Corinthians 5:1 talks about a house not made with hands coming from heaven. So the houses are coming from heaven. At rapture, there is going to be a celestial house we will receive, a glorified body.
Jesus said “...that where I am, you might also be.” He is already there so He was going to prepare a place for us (Ephesians 1:20), the right hand of the Father. They still struggle with the promise because it was just a shadow of things to come. But now, Christ has come and we are set at the right hand of the Father. People sing “I’m lost without you… I’m desperate for you”. How can you be desperate for someone who you carry? We have this deliverance mentality in church where we believe anything and bow to people who tell us anything. But God brought us out so that He can bring us into the promise. The resurrection power raised Him and the ascension power set Him. The ascension power brings all believers in the world to one place so we cannot operate from another place. We have been brought to a Kathizo realm and mentality after resurrection.
With the Kathizo power, we operate a higher lifestyle! There is no ageing in this Kathizo lifestyle. We have been set in a place far above principalities and powers. I was in Cameroun with one of the pastors some time back and we were climbing a mountain to go preach in a village. When we got to a certain room, we met a man who had a serious cough. He told me to forget about the cough, saying that he was born again and all but he had mastered the cough. That’s what some of us have done; we have mastered poverty.  We are better calculators of our salaries than our blessings in the word of God.  I laid hands on this man and he told me that the cough would return in another five minutes. We stayed there for several hours and there was no cough!
God has to kill Moses. He said, just sleep and die. Why? Because the guy understood his place. He knew that he couldn’t just die like that.  We were raised and placed in a place, and in that place we command power. When you see something growing on your skin, don’t call Pastor! Use your Kathizo understanding to speak to that situation.  When you speak like that the devils are scared of you. Continue to say the same things, and continue to put God’s word in your mouth. And the word of God is useless until you mix it with faith! Once you put faith in that word, then it becomes power.
The bible says in the city of Zion, none of them fall sick. Symptoms are not enough to check your Khatizo understanding! It’s a resolute understanding of God’s word. If we understand our Kathizo place, we won’t even fall sick. With the Kathizo power, when there is a casting down, you are saying there is a lifting up! Be bold enough to separate yourself from the crowd that was just raised and be as those that were raised and set above principalities and powers.
We have been crucified with Christ but the LIFE we live… you see, there is another life! The life you live now is according to the faith in the Son of God. What is the faith of the Son of God – He calls things that be not as though they are, He walked on waters, He multiplied two fishes and five loaves and He gave up Himself believing that God’s got His back. It’s a spiritual place that you never leave even when you’re amidst unbelievers. When you want to operate the Khatizo power, you don’t even look at anybody. As He is in heaven, so are we here on earth.
When Peter and John got to the beautiful Gate and saw the man asking for alms, they didn’t say “look at Jesus”. They said “Look on us!” because the government rests on us. We are the only ones that can use the name of Jesus.
Rest is the place of undisturbed possibilities. That’s what Khatizo is – when you come into a rest and into a place of power. In this real, we don’t fall sick; sicknesses do not change our confession. The reality of our pockets and of what someone said does not change our confession. In the Khatizo dimension, our body listens to us. Use the power of the SET place. Don’t let any situation or any circumstance take you away from your Khatizo place. Jesus didn’t go to heaven to “sit” in a physical chair but to occupy a place of authority. Sickness is at your will; if you will that sickness comes, then it will come. We carry the life of Jesus and that life cannot be questioned by anything that we face in this world. The power that raised Him from the dead is in us. And it will quicken our bodies and bring us out. Every situation bows to it because it’s a place in Christ and you cannot leave that place because you committed sin! The governance power is on the shoulders, which is the body (the church). The fact that we are justified attracts the devil more. But when you operate the Khatizo power, you operate the very power Jesus operated in when he was on earth. When you speak, things happen. Who can resist this power that you carry? The realm where you are conscious of what you carry as a spirit, not as a body. It’s in your mouth! Let nothing arrest you of your rights in Christ. Refuse average life! He raised us up but brought in a new life, where the old one was swallowed up by immortality. He is the Head but we are the body and we are seated together. We have great and precious promises- the inheritance of the saints with light. You don’t have to feel it, just act it. you are actors of power.


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