2013- The Year Of The Christ And The Seven Fold Light


What Will Happen In 2013?

…And i saw as in a vision a cloud moving as water, and heard a voice which was followed by a noise but it was the moving of the clouds. And the voice that talked with me said 

"The greatest cloud is gathering over My church in the year in front of you, with chariots of war descending as an army".

And I saw another cloud above the former cloud descending, pushing the former away with chariots.

               Suddenly, the fires of Great light like comets proceeded from the North over the new, like a great sun, and the voice said, "This is the cloud of glory, war and rewards. It shall war against religion, and the spirit of Egypt. It shall shine until victory is won. Rejoice! For the new cloud, for it’s a year of good report, mighty victories, and completion, feasts of manifestation shall break forth. For it is time of birth. This is My cloud of rains after drought, a season of ease instead of suffering and an abundant outpouring of My power. AND I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. The Seven Spirits shall be in display in the body of Christ and the church shall bear witness of the Light with so Great power (in your 4th year), special lights shall spring forth. It’s not the same light that you have known (Gen. 1:14-19). 

The ordinary sun shall no more be your light, nor the brightness of the light that you operated before. Behold! The shining of the Sun that shines with perfection.
My church shall explore new acres of the anointing from the sacred mount as of before. The great Light shall scatter the works of darkness, and a new level of intercession shall be experienced, for there is a climate change in the spirit. My church shall operate unrecognizable dimensions on earth. The legions of hell shall fall before the manifestations of My children, the shift in the cloud shall evoke new definition of the post-apostolic spirit. The Greater Light will shine to terrify religion and hell. Persecutors will fail in this Light. Koinonia shall hence rise to a new level in My church. 

The church shall like never before not be defined by what a man can do but by My glory. The ungodly shall be terrified by my Glory, the lights shall be fiery to them. They shall see the power of the lights shining unto their salvation. A new phenomenon in the spirit is going to change history of My church. Many will give up Faith for My Church shall fight war against the flesh but Stand firm in My love. Move into realms in My word.

Behold, I move in the clouds over My church until the former clouds are gone and the church will shine as city without light where prosperity and sufficient authority flows. Rejoice for the sunniest day, the brightest and unclouded days are in front of you. For it  shall no more be said that the evening was or morning was, for My Divine light shall shine in the evening and as it will in the day. Selah

Moreover the light of the Moon Will be as "the light of the day and the light of the sun will be "seven fold" As the light of the seven days" of...(2013)
In the day that I, that I AM binds up the breach, the fracture of "My" People and He healeth the stroke of their wounds (emphasis added) Isa  30:26, Zechariah 14:7

For the year in front of you shall be the year of the Christ and the Sevenfold Light.

Congrats God’s People.

Pastor Bowale Abrahams
The Burning Church, Nigeria.


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